Our Impact

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Healthcare management is already undergoing substantial change with constant needs pointing to the development of a Health Information system that integrates all hospital management modules under a singular system. This has excluded the majority of patients and providers in Kenya from accessing the benefits of health technologies and prevented the comprehensive collection of national health data to aid in decision-making.

Our Approach

We designed and deployed STONE-HMIS®, a health management and information system to track patient care and improve all management functions within our network of Ubuntu-Afya Kiosk medical centers. STONE-HMIS® which can be adopted by healthcare organizations both in the public and private realm, operates across disease verticals and at all levels of care. Under a unified system, the health management information system offers specialized clinical modules including;

●     Registration Module
●     Clinical Module
●     Laboratory Module
●     Pharmacy Module
●     Finance and Administration Module
●     Community Module

STONE-HMIS® has also been designed to seamlessly integrate with existing clinical work-flows of healthcare providers. We believe that by bringing the benefits of health technologies to providers delivering the majority of healthcare in Kenya, we can improve quality of care for patients and existing health databases and reporting systems.
STONE-HMIS® is a free-ware, supporting its potential for growth and impact in the coming years. Sustained impact will also leverage health data generated by the system while costs of development stand to decrease over time.



Operational efficiency

Reduced paperwork and administrative burdens


Data management

Streamlined the collection, storage, and analysis of health data.


Public health response

STONE-HMIS ability to fast track disease patterns and treatment outcomes has improved how we respond to public health emergencies.

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