Primary Healthcare

Our Impact

Populations Served
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Facilities Established
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Women & Children Reached
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Kenya has made notable progress towards achieving universal health coverage, but access to primary healthcare services remains a significant challenge, particularly for rural and marginalized populations. Many in these communities still face barriers to accessing essential healthcare services, with the distance to health facilities emerging as a primary barrier that slows timely access to care, other inefficiencies that remain as key challenges towards access to quality healthcare for the marginalized populations are;

●       Low literacy
●       High poverty
●       Poor community infrastructure
●       Understaffed, poorly equipped hospitals

These challenges in healthcare faced by these communities contribute to high rates of maternal and child mortality, limited access to treatment for non-communicable diseases, and ultimately, poorer health outcomes.

Our Approach

We operate a network of 25 healthcare centers that correspond to level-2 and level-3 health facilities in Kenya's rural and underserved communities. Known as Ubuntu-Afya Kiosks, these centers incorporate research and STONE-HMIS® (a proprietary Health Management and Information System) to effectively address the health needs of Kenyan communities.  
These facilities offer a comprehensive range of services, including treatment and vaccination for non-communicable diseases & Infectious diseases, Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health (RMCH) services, Sexual and Reproductive Health Services, and HIV services.
Functionality and sustainability are achieved through our "Ubuntu-Afya Kiosk Model," which empowers communities to set-up and manage the health centers.
The kiosks also incorporate community savings and credit schemes operated by self-help groups (SHGs). These schemes enable community members to access financial services while generating revenue to subsidize healthcare costs. This dual approach not only improves health outcomes but also strengthens the community’s economic resilience.



Sexual and reproductive health (SRH)

Our SRH services include education, counseling, and access to contraceptives


Community outreach

We engage with communities to provide essential health services and initiatives.


Community engagement

Our strong relationships with the communities we serve make it easier to implement health behaviour change.


Maternal and Child Health (MCH)

We support efforts to improve MCH through education, prenatal care and vaccination programs.

Recent Posts

Expanding access to maternal, new born and primary healthcare services through private-community-government partnership clinic models in rural Kenya: the Ubuntu-Afya kiosk model
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